Acuerdo de usuario
Date of publication and entry into force: “13” June 2023.
Using an Internet website accessible by the unique domain name (hereinafter referred to as the Website) and (or) the mobile application Crypto News (hereinafter referred to as the Application), collectively referred to as the Project, where applicable, the Internet user who downloaded and installed the mobile application on his device, accepts this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governing the rules of use of the Project, the liability of the parties securing other relations related to the use of the Project.
1.1. The following terms and definitions are used in the text of the Agreement as well as in connection with relations arising within its framework.
1.1.1. The User is the individual using the Project who has accepted the Agreement.
1.1.2. The Application is the Crypto News mobile application distributed through App Store and Google Play Market app stores, as well as other app stores (hereinafter referred to as Stores), which includes a news and article aggregator, a convenient cryptocurrency market monitoring service, as well as a portfolio manager created to control the cost of cryptocurrency assets in various currencies and calculate their profitability.
1.1.3. The Website is an Internet website accessible by a unique domain name
1.1.4. PRO Subscription are additionally paid Application features presented in accordance with the Application interface specified in the Settings tab.
1.1.5. Acceptance of the Agreement — installation of the Application on your device and (or) registration on the Website.
1.1.6. Acceptance of PRO Subscription — payment for a PRO subscription in accordance with the rules of the Stores. All subscription actions are performed under the control of the Play Market or App Store depending on the type of Account device through which it uses the Application.
1.1.7. Administrator is a company registered under the laws of the United Arab Emirates ROCKETM FZCO — the legal owner of the Project, having access to the console of administrator and (or) developer. Communication with the Administrator on any matters relating to the Project shall be made by e-mail at or through feedback forms published in the Project.
1.2. Other terms used in the Agreement and (or) in the relations arising from it shall be interpreted in accordance with applicable law, and in the absence of their interpretation in the legislation, in accordance with codes of business conducts and scientific doctrine.
2.1. When using the Project, the User shall comply with the Agreement, with all its integral parts, including applicable law.
2.2. Use of the Project in any way and in any form within its functionality and purpose, including registration and (or) authorization on the Project, creates relations between the parties (User and Administrator) under the terms of the Agreement.
2.3. The User shall promptly and independently familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement. In case of User’s disagreement with the current version of the Agreement, User shall cease using the Project.
2.4. The User undertakes not to use the possible errors of the Project program part in order to gain advantage over other Users. The User shall immediately inform the Administrator of all Project errors detected by him.
2.5. The Administrator is not responsible for any possible data loss or damage or other consequences of any nature that may result from User’s breach of the Agreement.
2.6. The User understands and agrees that he shall independently assess all risks associated with the use of the Project, including assessing the reliability, completeness or usefulness of the information posted on the Project pages.
2.7. Personal data of the User reported during the use of the Project shall be processed in accordance with the confidentiality policy (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement), which is an integral part of the Agreement.
2.8. If the User has not reached the age of 21 years (hereinafter referred to as a Minor), he may use the Project only under the supervision of a person exercising parental rights or the rights of a guardian (i.e. parent or guardian). A Minor may use the Project only with the consent of his/her parent (s) or guardian (s) (hereinafter referred to as Parental Consent). A Minor has the right to use the Project by registering with them only by means of the parent’s or guardian’s e-mail address. This e-mail address shall permit the registration of a Minor from a parent or guardian. Registration of a Minor for the purpose of using the Project will be completed only after obtaining such consent. If the User misleads the Administrator about his age, the Administrator is not responsible for the possible consequences of such deception, however, at the earliest opportunity the Administrator will help to stop the use of the Project by a Minor.
3.1. An account under the Agreement means an Apple account, a Google Play account of a User, or an account of another Store through which he downloads the Application to his device and (or) the profile of the User on the Website, depending on which element of the Project is used by the User.
3.2. Registration of the profile in the Project provides for communication of the following data by the User using a special form in the Project:
e-mail addresses (to confirm registration and identification of the User);
a nickname (any alias name chosen by the User for its subsequent display in the profile in the Project and in the User’s comments to the news).
3.3. Also, when registering and further using the Project, the User may at will upload his photo or other image in the account (avatar), which will be displayed in the account profile and in comments to the news.
3.4. After downloading the Application to his device from any Store, the User must familiarize himself with the Agreement, including its integral parts, before using the Application, then click on the checkbox next to “Acknowledged and Agreed” and click the “Next” button.
3.5. The User shall use his account in person. The transfer of access to his account to third parties is prohibited.
3.6. The User shall immediately notify the Administrator of any unauthorized (not permitted by the User) access to the account of the User and (or) any breach (suspected violation) of the confidentiality of his means of access to the account. The Administrator is not responsible for any possible data loss or damage or other consequences of any nature that may result from User’s breach of the Agreement.
3.7. The User has the opportunity to express his opinion and participate in discussions with each other, but must adhere to the basic principles of constructive dialogue, mutual respect, as well as generally accepted universal moral principles. The debate is good, but aggression is not accepted. Please refrain from offensive, rude or threatening comments on any grounds. We are working with you to create a place where everyone can share their opinions and personal experiences without fear of being offended in the comments. By becoming a User, you confirm compliance with the following rules:
3.7.1. General overview
The official language of communication on Crypto News is the following languages: English, Russian, German, Spanish, and Arabic.
The main topic for communication in the community is the crypto industry, blockchain, finance, market analytics, etc.
Ignorance of community rules is not an excuse for violations committed.
The administration, represented by Crypto News employees, is entitled to make changes to the rules without prior notification to users.
Additions and rule changes are effective from the moment they are published.
The Crypto News community is predominantly post-moderated, that is, the presence of a specific post or comment in the community does not mean their compliance with the rules. Content can be checked by the administration for compliance with the rules after its publication. The community administration assumes no responsibility for the content of comments from users, but to the best of its ability suppresses breaches. Crypto News provides only a technical opportunity for users to post and share comments. In some cases, pre-publication content may be submitted for preliminary review to the moderator service. Review can take up to 1 day.
The responsibility of users for violations is determined by the Crypto News administration based on these rules, as well as guided by their own ideas about the value of a particular user to the community. Beginning to publish or comment in the community, the user puts trust in the administration in making any decisions related to the interpretation and compliance with these Crypto News rules and conditions of use.
Community members have the right to receive clarifying comments about Crypto News administration actions through submitting a support request. The Crypto News administration may, at its discretion, answer a question regarding its actions publicly in the community, but has no obligation to do so.
If you encounter a violation of rules or laws in the Crypto News community, you should not write about this publicly, but it is recommended to use the “report” feature or write to support.
The Crypto News administration, as part of its responsibility for a healthy atmosphere in community discussions, reserves the right to impose disciplinary measures against users whose activities harm the community in the sole discretion of the administration.
3.7.2. Crypto News Comment Rules
Crypto News users are prohibited from publishing, distributing or otherwise using any information relating to illegal content.
The content of information that constitutes illegal content is determined by the current legislation, as well as business customs and practices of using the Internet in the world, and includes information that, in particular:
violates privacy, including provision and/or dissemination of personal data of third parties, as well as violation of secrecy of correspondence;
violates the rights of minors and/or promotes any form of harm to them;
contains links to pornographic photographs, audio and video of a sexual nature, including those involving minors, and/or advertises their acquisition or dissemination;
contains coarse language (including veiled, hidden by special characters), offensive, threatening, discriminating on any basis of words and expressions, as well as profanity (excessive use of jargonyms or argotic words);
threatens, discredits, insults, defames the honour and dignity or business reputation of citizens, officials and organizations;
refers to scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals and/or a description of such scenes;
describes the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
contains repeated phrases, characters, letters, words, graphic files posted multiple times, or repeated short messages that do not convey a meaning load;
contains 2 references to the results of intellectual activity and means of identification of third parties, provided that their rights holders do not have the appropriate consent to their use or violation of the rules for the free use of works or other objects established by applicable law;
promotes and/or contributes to incitement to racial, religious, ethnic hatred, discord, hostility and/or discrimination on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social grounds, propagates fascism or ideology of racial superiority, promotes and/or contributes to the infringement of minority rights;
contains extremist materials;
promotes criminal activities and/or provide recommendations, instructions or guidelines for the commission of criminal actions;
contains restricted access information, including, but not limited to, state, banking and commercial secrets;
contains inappropriate commercial advertising and/or illegal political advertising, involves in its distribution, spam;
contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of the use of narcotic substances, information about the distribution of drugs, prescriptions for their manufacture and advice on use;
is fraudulent, encourages or advertises the use of spam and related technical means and blanket mailing services, the sale or provision of access to databases of electronic addresses and contacts, the implementation of multi-level (network) marketing and involvement in schemes of Internet earnings and email businesses;
contains links to viruses, trojans and other malicious software and information and guidelines for their use, as well as instructions for carrying out actions designed to collect information about users, violate their rights and interests and/or violate the normal functioning of Internet projects and information systems of third parties;
contains serial (registration) numbers to software and databases and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to Internet resources, access to which is limited;
contains text for begging or extortion purposes. Begging in any form and for any purpose is prohibited, directed both to individual users and to users in general, requests to transfer assets to a wallet, bank account, donates, etc., or requests to donate assets, as well as extortion.
contains direct investment recommendations, signals and calls, as well as comments interpreted as market manipulation.
This type of comment includes: -
distribution of unconfirmed or false information (without source identification) to influence Crypto News users’ strategy with respect to a particular asset;
attempts to manipulate a market where the price, demand, supply or volume of an asset deviates from or is maintained at a level significantly different from that which would have formed without the dissemination of such information;
collusion with Crypto News users to perform transactions by arrangement;
the use of language that encourages Crypto News users to commit certain acts with assets (including open calls);
illegal use of insider information, including by advising, obliging or encouraging other Crypto News users to transact with various assets.
Crypto News users are not allowed to bring unreasonable complaints about a post or comment. User complaints about posts or comments of other Crypto News users must be substantiated, and the content of the complaint should not contradict these rules. For unreasonable complaints, the Crypto News Administration has the right to block the account.
Users are forbidden to imitate the administration. It is forbidden to pretend to be Crypto News officials or a person associated with the administration if you do not work for the company. Deliberate misleading of users will be stopped.
Crypto News users are independently responsible for the legality of their own actions in connection with the placement, storage, distribution and provision of information.
Users are prohibited from conducting activity on behalf of third parties without their permission.
Crypto News has the right to transfer the nickname to an official representative.
Crypto News assumes no responsibility for the legality of actions and information posted by users, does not guarantee the quality, completeness and reliability of such information.
Crypto News informs all interested parties that it is unable to verify the authenticity and completeness of the information.
Crypto News may, in accordance with these Rules, perform actions on temporary blocking (deactivation), editing or destruction of information and accounts.
Crypto News shall not be liable for any unlawful content or account blocking, editing or destruction, performed by it in accordance with these Rules.
4.1. The Project includes a news aggregator and articles, a convenient cryptocurrency market monitoring service, as well as a portfolio manager and contains the Website and the Application.
4.2. Links to other websites and resources of third parties posted in the Project are provided for information purposes only. The Administrator does not have the ability to control the content of these websites and resources, and therefore declines all express or implied responsibility for such third party content.
4.3. The content posted in the Project contains only general information. The user should not be guided by this information to perform specific actions. When deciding to perform or refuse to perform actions on the basis of the Content posted in the Project, it is necessary to obtain professional advice from a specialist. Although the Administrator shall take the necessary steps to provide up-to-date information in the Project, the Administrator shall not provide any express or implicit assurance regarding its validity, completeness, authenticity, reliability, acceptability, relevance or orderliness.
4.4. The Project aggregates publications from popular thematic resources. In total, there are more than 300 websites in the source list, and this list is constantly replenished with new resources.
4.5. News is systematized in the “Category”, there is a block “Main”, which hosts the most relevant news for the near future. The Application user can configure his own feed and receive information only from certain sources.
4.6. The User can add the news to the bookmarks and return to it later or search through the header search function. You can also read about the event disclosed in the news in an alternative source — materials for one information channel are combined into one group.
4.7. Information is available in English, Russian, German, Spanish and Arabic.
4.8. The Project has integrated service CoinMarketCap: cryptocurrency price rates in real time, and the information is updated every
4.9. The project collects data on more than 1000 (thousand) cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Dash, NEO, IOTA (MIOTA), Monero (XMR), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Lisk (LSK), Qtum, EOS, Zcash (ZEC), Cardano (ADA), Tether (USDT), Stellar Lumens (XLM) etc. With the help of a search, you can always find the right coin by name or stock ticker. You can pin all important coins at the top of the list.
4.10. As part of the service, you can always check the price of coins on a particular exchange, including Binance, EXMO, Huobi, Kucoin, OKEx and others. You can also track the volume of cryptocurrency trading on exchanges of interest to you. The Project can notify about changes in the price of the coin, its capitalization, changes in the share of BTC and ETH in the market, at the same time, the User only needs to set change ranges.
4.11. One of the main functions of the Project is to control the value of cryptocurrency assets in various currencies and calculate their profitability. The User must enter the required number of coins, specify the purchase price, and the Project will calculate their current value and the received profit or loss of the User.
4.12. The Project displays both the total balance and the value of each asset individually. The profitability for the User’s chosen period in percentage and real equivalent is demonstrated. The User can choose to display the value of the portfolio from the list of familiar fiat currencies.
4.13. The Administrator may from time to time modify the functions of the Application in order to improve the consumer properties of the Application, including enhancing the Application security when processing user data. In this case, no special notification of the User about improvements is required.
4.14. Any additional functions, user scenarios, interfaces giving rise to legally significant actions not described in this section are perceived by the Project User on the basis of the “as is” principle. The generally accepted “as is” principle refers to the fact that the User accepts the Website and (or) the Application in the condition and functional features with which it is located at the date of Acceptance of the Agreement, including any specified deficiencies, thus the User assumes all risks associated with the further operation of the Project, as well as loses the right to submit to the Administrator claims on the quality and characteristics of the Website and (or) the Application regarding the specified shortcomings.
5.1. To access a PRO subscription the User must accept a PRO subscription.
5.2. Unlike the free version, a PRO subscription of the Application provides for:
no advertising when using the Application;
offline mode for reading news (without Internet connection);
unlimited notifications;
unlimited number of coins in the portfolio;
unlimited number of portfolios;
portfolio backup;
log in to the portfolio by fingerprint, password, or FaceID (for iOS).
5.3. The User can try all options available in a PRO subscription for free by subscribing for a test period of 7 (seven) days.
5.4. After the end of the test period, payment for a subscription will be written off according to the rules of the Store, through which the User uploaded the Application to his device. The User can unsubscribe at any time.
5.5. Any transactions related to the User’s funds are carried out according to the rules of the Play Market or the App Store, which the Russian-speaking User can find by links — and, respectively.
6.1. The User understands and agrees that all services of the Project are provided “as is” and that the Administrator is not responsible for any delays, failures, incorrect or late delivery, deletion or poor security of any user personal and other information.
6.2. The User agrees that the Project meets and will be consistent with the requirements of the User at the time of acceptance of the Agreement, the results that may be obtained using the Project will be accurate and reliable and may be used for any purpose or in any capacity (for example, to establish and (or) confirm any facts).
6.3. The Administrator shall not be liable for non-performance or improper performance of its obligations under the Agreement due to failures in telecommunication and energy networks, actions of malicious programs, as well as unscrupulous actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and (or) disabling of the software and (or) hardware complex, including persons with whom the Administrator has concluded contracts for the purpose of fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.
6.4. All materials (content, information, videos, etc.) posted on the pages of the Project are taken from open sources or sent by third parties and placed on the Project without any preliminary moderation, with links to the source, therefore the Administrator is not responsible for the quality, timeliness and accuracy of the information provided by third parties.
6.5. To the full extent permitted by applicable law, the Administrator waives all warranties, express and implied, including, but not limited to, indirect warranties of service providers, merchantability and suitability for a particular purpose, representations and any other conditions that may be applicable to the Project.
6.6. The Administrator shall not be liable for loss or damage of any nature, including, but not limited to, direct and indirect damages, collateral damages, punitive damages and incidental damages, both by contract (including negligence) and on other grounds (even if such losses and damages are predictable) incurred in connection with:
the use or inability to use the Project, including any tools used or otherwise integrated and linked to the Project; or
the use or decision-making based on any content displayed in the Project, including content displayed on any tools used or otherwise integrated and linked to the Project; or
the use or decision-making based on any content of websites linked by links to the Project; or
the use or decision-making based on any content or tools of third-party service providers that may be linked to or integrated into the Project, including, but not limited to, financial data.
6.7. If the User is a commercial person, it should be taken into account that the Administrator is not responsible for:
loss of profit, sales, business or revenue;
interruption of activities;
loss of expected savings;
loss of business opportunities, goodwill or reputation;
losses and damages of an indirect or consequential nature;
other risks assumed by the User in the course of using the Project.
6.8. If the User is a private person, it should be taken into account that the Project is provided only for personal use. The User undertakes not to use the Project for commercial and business purposes. The Administrator shall not be liable for loss of profit, loss of business, suspension of business activities and loss of business opportunities.
6.9. The Administrator shall also not be liable for any damage or losses caused by the virus, DDoS attack or any other technically harmful material which may affect your computer equipment, computer programs, data and other means through the use of the Project or by reason of downloading content from it or the content of webWebsites referenced by the Project.
6.10. The Administrator shall not be liable to any natural or legal person for injury, loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the use or interpretation of the Project content.
6.11. The Parties shall be exempt from the obligation to perform obligations under the Agreement if such performance is prevented by force majeure, including, but not limited to: natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, fires, etc.), armed conflicts, the imposition of martial law or state of emergency, illegal acts of third parties, acts of public authorities and local self-government, mass disorders and civil wars, personnel strikes, etc.
6.12. Force majeure circumstances relieving the parties from the obligation to fulfil obligations under the Agreement must meet the conditions of unexpectedness, casualty, unpredictability, direct action on the possibility of the parties to fulfill obligations, independence from the will of the parties.
6.13. A party for which the performance of obligations under the Agreement has become impossible due to the effect of force majeure circumstances shall notify the other party as soon as possible from the moment of occurrence of said circumstances, having informed at the same time whether the obligations have become impossible to fulfill temporarily or finally. In the latter case, the Agreement shall terminate upon receipt of notice from the party subjected to force majeure circumstances by the other party.
6.14. If the obligations have become temporarily impossible for one of the parties to perform, the parties shall fix a new term for the performance of such obligations or agree to terminate the Agreement. If in the agreed new term the fulfillment of obligations remains impossible, the parties may terminate their obligations under the Agreement.
7.1. Any actions of the User using access to the account (electronic signature key) confirm the fact that a simple electronic signature is formed directly by the User.
7.2. Electronic documents or letters signed by a simple electronic signature are recognized as equivalent to documents on paper, signed by hand, and the actions of the authorized User — performed directly by the User.
7.3. The User undertakes to keep his electronic signature confidential and is fully responsible for its safety and individual use, independently choosing the method of their storage and restriction of access to it.
7.4. In case of unauthorized access to the electronic signature, its loss or disclosure to third parties, the User shall promptly notify the Administrator by sending an email.
8.1. All objects on the Project, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, and other objects originally published on the Project, are objects covered by exclusive rights owned or used legally by the Administrator.
8.2. The User shall be granted a personal non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Project Software on his device, provided that neither the User himself nor any other persons with his assistance will:
copy or modify the software;
create software-derived programs;
infiltrate the software to obtain program codes;
violate the rights of third parties;
sell, assign, lease, transfer to third parties in any other form of rights in relation to the software granted to the User under the Agreement;
modify services, including to gain unauthorized access to them.
8.3. Reports of events and facts of exclusively informational nature (reports of breaking news, TV programs, vehicle schedules, etc.) are not copyrighted.
8.4. Any objects of exclusive rights not belonging to the Administrator published in the Project shall be used for informational purposes, with a mandatory indication of the author, the source of the borrowing and to the extent justified by the purpose of the citation.
8.5. The Administrator may, but is not required to, review the Project for prohibited material, and may delete or move (without notice) any material at his own discretion, including without limitation the movement or deletion of material which the Administrator considers to violate the Agreement and (or) applicable law.
8.6. In case of a violation of the Agreement and (or) applicable law, the person who discovered the violation shall immediately report the violation to the Administrator, who shall consider the reports of violations within 48 (forty-eight) hours from the date of their receipt. The Administrator, during the review of the violation report, has the right to request information from the person who filed a complaint, copies of documents confirming or refuting the applicant’s arguments.
8.7. Except as expressly provided in the Agreement, the User may only reproduce and display the content of the Project for personal non-commercial purposes. Except for storing a temporary copy in the computer cache and a permanent copy in a single copy for personal use, it is prohibited to use the Project content for other purposes, as well as its storage, reproduction, publication, modification or transfer in any form and by any means in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Administrator or without the written consent of the owner of the relevant intellectual property rights or licensor.
8.8. In particular, it is prohibited to use the content of the Project for its own publications outside the Project, Internet Websites and any other forms of dissemination of information. If the User prints, copies or downloads the content of the Project in violation of this Agreement, the User shall automatically forfeit the right to use the content of the Project (including permitted use under this Agreement) and shall, at the discretion of the Administrator, return or destroy all copies of such content.
8.9. Publications in the Project shall in no way be deemed to be a grant of use in respect of logos, title data and trademarks published in the Project without the direct written consent of the respective owner of the rights to the intellectual property object or licensor.
9.1. The Administrator shall have the right to amend the Agreement at any time and unilaterally. In case of introducing changes to the current revision, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement shall come into force from the moment of its placement on the pages of the Project, unless otherwise provided by the amended version of the Agreement. The User shall become familiar with the amended version of the Agreement. Publication of the Agreement in the amended version is recognized as proper notification to the User of changes to the Agreement.
9.2. The Agreement is drawn up in English. Acceptance of the Agreement by a foreign-language User means that the text of the Agreement is clear to him and he does not need translation. If translation is necessary, foreign Users undertake to translate into the language they need at their own cost and expense. In case of discrepancies between the versions of the Agreement, priority is given to the version published by the Administration.
9.3. The Project is managed by ROCKETM FZCO (Dubai, United Arab Emirates), thus the laws of Dubai and, where applicable, the federal laws of the United Arab Emirates govern this Agreement without applying the principles of conflict of laws. The Administrator reserves the right to amend the Project and this Agreement at any time.
9.4. In the event of a breach of the Agreement and (or) applicable law, the person who has detected the breach shall immediately report the breach to the Administrator.
9.5. Invalidating any part of the Agreement shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement.
9.6. An integral part of the Agreement is Appendix No. 1 “Privacy Policy”.